Don't Go Shopping for a New Home Before You Know Exactly How Much You Can Spend! You might have an idea of the loan payment and mortgage you can afford. But will the bank feel otherwise? It's always best to pre-qualify for a mortgage so you know exactly how much a financial institution would be willing to lend you. In the pre-qualification process, you will find out: - Exactly how much home or land you can afford. - How much cash you will need for the down payment. - The minimum down payment, and advantages of higher down payments. - What the bank feels you can afford for a monthly payment. We help buyers pre-qualify for mortgages every day. Simply fill out the form below to get started. Remember: we will respect your privacy! We know this is your personal information, and we will not distribute it to anyone, other than to our preferred mortgage broker. This service is also provided free of charge, without any obligation on your part. It is part of our job as top Winchester, Loudoun County and Clarke County real estate agents to offer services such as these. Once you fill out the form, we will quickly process your information and get right back to you! We can help you pre-qualify for your mortgage. It's our job! This is free and without obligation...
Selling Your Home >House Odors
What is "H.O."? You can probably guess--it means "house odors".
Be careful of odors in your home. If your family room smells stuffy and stale, or if your cat or dog has left a distinctive odor in the hallway, take action by eliminating the source of the odor rather than merely treating the effects.
Smells have a powerful effect on the way people react to a house, and no amount of room freshener or vanilla on the light bulbs can mask a serious odor problem. In fact, such remedies may draw attention to the problem. Real estate agents have seen homes with an odor problem languish unsold on the market for months or sell for significantly less than comparable homes in the neighborhood.
If you think that you may have a problem, talk candidly with your real estate agent. Your agent should be able to offer some constructive suggestions, and perhaps refer you to a professional who can help banish H.O. from your home!
Q |
What U.S. state is home to the world's richest woman?
A |
Alice Walton, daughter of WalMart's founder and heiress to $16.5 billion, lives on a ranch in the state of Texas. |
See More Real Estate Trivia > |
William "Chip" Steinmetz RE/MAX Roots 101 East Maint st., Suite 103 Berryville, VA 22611 540-955-0911 Fax: 800-610-5653 is brought to you by
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